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Genius Solution for SEMI-EQ. 

Organizational Structure

The Company operates service offices across northern, central, and southern Taiwan, strategically positioned to serve its clients effectively. In addition to upholding transparency in its operations, we are committed to delivering secure and efficient products to our customers. Under the Board of Directors, several offices are responsible for various functions, including the Internal Audit/Internal Control Office, Remuneration Committee, and Sustainability Action Office. Reporting directly to the President are five key departments that oversee aspects such as financial performance, customer relationship management, green product development, and supplier management.


Board of Directors

To strengthen our corporate governance and foster the healthy development of its Board of Directors, the Company advocates and upholds a policy of board diversity. In accordance with Article 20 of the "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/GTSM-Listed Companies", diversity in this context encompasses a range of criteria and values (including but not limited to gender, age, nationality, culture, as well as professional knowledge and skills, such as educational background, expertise, and industry experience). Genii Idea adheres to this diversity policy as its guiding principle.

The incumbent Board of Directors consists of 9 members, all of whom are citizens of Taiwan and possess extensive experience in business management, leadership, decision-making, and relevant industry knowledge. Their educational and professional backgrounds encompass various disciplines, including finance, management, marketing, and more. For detailed information about their expertise and age distribution, please refer to the table below. Our board of directors consists of nine members, including three female directors, demonstrating our commitment to gender equality among board members and achieving tangible diversity goals within the board.

The Board of Directors at Genii Idea holds a broad spectrum of responsibilities that encompass multiple facets of corporate operations. Their primary objectives are to safeguard the interests of the Company and its investors while providing guidance and support for the Company's long-term development. These responsibilities can be summarized as follows:

  1. Defining the Company's long-term development strategy and objectives, offering directional guidance and support for the company's overarching vision

  2. Exercising oversight over the Company's day-to-day operations and management to ensure strict compliance with legal and ethical standards, as well as adherence to board decisions.

  3. Conducting diligent scrutiny of the Company's financial health, ensuring the accuracy and comprehensiveness of financial statements, and offering recommendations concerning financial risk management and investment strategies.

  4. Ensuring the efficient operation of the Company's risk management and internal control systems to preclude and mitigate potential risks, thereby safeguarding the interests of the Company and its investors.

  5. Supervising the Company's engagement in social responsibility and sustainable development initiatives, ensuring that obligations spanning economic, social, and environmental domains are diligently fulfilled, ultimately creating value for shareholders, employees, customers, and society as a whole.

  6. Undertaking the tasks of appointing, overseeing, and evaluating the performance of the Company's senior executives. This involves ensuring that our Company leaders possess the requisite professional acumen and adhere to high ethical standards, thus enabling them to provide robust managerial support for the Company's enduring growth and success.


Duties and Responsibilities

Audit Committee

The operations of this committee primarily focus on overseeing the following:

  • Appropriate presentation of the company's financial statements.

  • Selection, dismissal, independence, and performance of the auditing accountant.

  • Effective implementation of internal controls within the company.

  • Compliance of the company with relevant laws and regulations.

  • Management of existing or potential risks within the company.

Auditing office

  • Establishing and revising the Company’s internal control/audit systems.

  • Formulating and implementing audit plans to ensure efficacy execution of internal control system.

  • Offering recommendations and suggestions to enhance operational efficiency and effective implementation of internal controls.


  • Establishing and periodically reviewing policies, systems, standards and structures for the performance evaluation and compensation of directors, supervisors, and executives.

ESG Steering office

  • Integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into our corporate culture and operational strategies.

  • Compilation and disclosure of corporate sustainable development information.

  • Planning and promotion of corporate sustainable development projects.

CEO’s Office

  • ​Oversees company operations and management affairs.

Genera Manager

  • Execution and coordination of the Company’s overall operational planning.

  • Establishment and supervision of organizational operations and systems.

  • Responsible for governance-related matters within the Company, such as providing information required by the Board of Directors for business operations, assisting the Board of Directors in compliance with laws and regulations, and facilitating the organization of board meetings and shareholders' meetings in accordance with legal requirements.

  • Implementing the operational policies and business plans as per the decisions made by the Board of Directors.

Overseas Business Department

  • Responsible for marketing management in the international market, conducting in-depth research, and developing international business, ensuring the implementation of the company's international strategy.

Operating Department

  • Includes administration, human resources, finance, procurement, information technology, and other functions. Its role is to coordinate all management systems within the Company and serve as the authority responsible for management.

Marketing Department

  • Gathering relevant industry information and analyzing it to formulate market development plans.

  • Assisting customers in relevant development and distribution.

  • Product agency.

  • Equipment agency-related after-sales services.

Equipment Department

  • Customized product development.

  • Service process optimization and product development.

  • New product research and development.

  • Patent Management.

  • Product management and distribution.

Engineering Department

  • Engineering service project management.

  • Supplier resource management.

  • Quality assurance.

  • Material management.

  • Multifunctional piping technical services.

Environment, Health
and Safety Department

  • Employee health management.

  • Coordination of safety and health management programs, including onsite occupational safety management and relevant training.

  • Environmental risk control.

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