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Genius Solution for SEMI-EQ. 


Functional Committees

Remuneration Committee Member Profiles

The committee must diligently perform the following duties with the care of a prudent manager and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors. However, concerning the remuneration of supervisors, recommendations are to be submitted to the Board of Directors only if the remuneration of supervisors has been stipulated in the Company's Articles of Incorporation or authorized by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting:

I. Periodically review this regulation and propose amendments as needed.

II. Establish and periodically review the performance evaluation standards for directors, supervisors, and managers of the Company, as well as the annual and long-term performance objectives, policies, systems, standards, and structures for remuneration, disclosing the content of the performance evaluation standardsin the annual report.

III. Periodically assess the achievement of performance objectives by the Company's directors, supervisors, and managers. Based on the results of the performance evaluation standards, establish the content and amount of individual remuneration for each of them. The annual reports disclose the individual performance evaluation results of directors, supervisors, and managers, as well as the content and amount of individual remuneration and their relevance and reasonableness in relation to the performance evaluation results, and report them to the shareholders' meeting.

When performing these duties, the committee must adhere to the following principles:

I. Ensure that the company's remuneration arrangements comply with relevant laws and are sufficient to attract top talents.

II. Performance assessment and remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should reference industry norms and consider individual performance evaluation results, time commitment, responsibilities, achievement of personal goals, performance in other roles, remuneration provided to individuals in equivalent positions in recent years, as well as the achievement of the Company's short-term and long-term business objectives, financial condition, and other factors related to individual performance and the Company's operational performance and future risks.

III. Directors and managers should not be incentivized to engage in behavior that exceeds the Company's risk tolerance in pursuit of remuneration.

IV. The proportion of short-term performance rewards and the timing of variable remuneration payments to directors and senior executives should be determined considering industry characteristics and the nature of the Company's business.

V. The content and amount of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should be reasonable. The determination of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should not significantly deviate from financial performance. If there is a significant decline in profit or prolonged losses, their remuneration should not exceed that of the previous year. If it still exceeds the previous year's level, a reasonable explanation should be disclosed in the annual report and reported to the shareholders’ meeting.

VI. Members of this committee cannot participate in discussions or voting regarding their personal remuneration.

The term "remuneration" referred to in the first two paragraphs includes cash compensation, stock options, bonus shares, retirement benefits or severance pay, various allowances, and other substantial incentive measures. Its scope should be consistent with the matters to be disclosed in the annual report of publicly traded companies regarding the remuneration of directors, supervisors, and managers.

Matters related to the remuneration of directors and managers of subsidiary companies within the corporate hierarchy that require approval by Genii Idea’s Board of Directors, will first be proposed by this committee. Subsequently, they will be submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors after the committee's recommendations have been considered.

Remuneration Committee Member Profiles



Current positions held within the Company

Current positions held in other companies




  • 具有財經會計及公司業務所須之五年以上工作經驗

  • 未有公司法第30條各款情事


  1. 符合證券交易法第14條之2

  2. 本人配偶二等親以內親屬(或利用他人名義)無持有公司股份

  3. 最近二年無提供本公司或關係企業商務法務財務會計等服務所取得之報酬金額



  • 具有財務會計及公司業務所須之五年以上工作經驗

  • 取得美國雪城大學會計碩士

  • 擔任朝陽科技大學會計系副教授

  • 具備台灣與美國紐約州會計師專業證

  • 未有公司法第30條各款情事


  1. 符合證券交易法第14條之2

  2. 本人配偶二等親以內親屬(或利用他人名義)無持有公司股份

  3. 最近二年無提供本公司或關係企業商務法務財務會計等服務所取得之報酬金額



  • 具有經營管理及公司業務所須之五年以上工作經驗

  • 取得國立政治大學經濟學博士

  • 擔任東海大學高階經營管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)兼任副教授

  • 未有公司法第30條各款情事


  1. 符合證券交易法第14條之2

  2. 本人配偶二等親以內親屬(或利用他人名義)無持有公司股份。​

  3. 最近二年無提供本公司或關係企業商務法務財務會計等服務所取得之報酬金額


Remuneration Committee Member Profiles


Academic Credentials

Previous Experience


Ph.D. in Economics, NCCU

Dean of Department of International Business, Tunghai University (3 years)
Dean of EMBA, College of Management, Tunghai University (6 years)


Ph.D. in Finance, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Kunyue Development Co., Ltd.  Supervisor

CPA qualifications in U.S. and Taiwan


Department of Accounting, National Chung Hsing University

Director of Audit Division at Ernst & Young (3 years)
OTC Regulatory Examiner and Supervisor (9 years)
CFO (13 years), CIO (3 years)

Remuneration Committee Member Profiles

The committee must diligently perform the following duties with the care of a prudent manager and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors. However, concerning the remuneration of supervisors, recommendations are to be submitted to the Board of Directors only if the remuneration of supervisors has been stipulated in the Company's Articles of Incorporation or authorized by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting:

I. Periodically review this regulation and propose amendments as needed.

II. Establish and periodically review the performance evaluation standards for directors, supervisors, and managers of the Company, as well as the annual and long-term performance objectives, policies, systems, standards, and structures for remuneration, disclosing the content of the performance evaluation standardsin the annual report.

III. Periodically assess the achievement of performance objectives by the Company's directors, supervisors, and managers. Based on the results of the performance evaluation standards, establish the content and amount of individual remuneration for each of them. The annual reports disclose the individual performance evaluation results of directors, supervisors, and managers, as well as the content and amount of individual remuneration and their relevance and reasonableness in relation to the performance evaluation results, and report them to the shareholders' meeting.

When performing these duties, the committee must adhere to the following principles:

I. Ensure that the company's remuneration arrangements comply with relevant laws and are sufficient to attract top talents.

II. Performance assessment and remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should reference industry norms and consider individual performance evaluation results, time commitment, responsibilities, achievement of personal goals, performance in other roles, remuneration provided to individuals in equivalent positions in recent years, as well as the achievement of the Company's short-term and long-term business objectives, financial condition, and other factors related to individual performance and the Company's operational performance and future risks.

III. Directors and managers should not be incentivized to engage in behavior that exceeds the Company's risk tolerance in pursuit of remuneration.

IV. The proportion of short-term performance rewards and the timing of variable remuneration payments to directors and senior executives should be determined considering industry characteristics and the nature of the Company's business.

V. The content and amount of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should be reasonable. The determination of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should not significantly deviate from financial performance. If there is a significant decline in profit or prolonged losses, their remuneration should not exceed that of the previous year. If it still exceeds the previous year's level, a reasonable explanation should be disclosed in the annual report and reported to the shareholders’ meeting.

VI. Members of this committee cannot participate in discussions or voting regarding their personal remuneration.

The term "remuneration" referred to in the first two paragraphs includes cash compensation, stock options, bonus shares, retirement benefits or severance pay, various allowances, and other substantial incentive measures. Its scope should be consistent with the matters to be disclosed in the annual report of publicly traded companies regarding the remuneration of directors, supervisors, and managers.

Matters related to the remuneration of directors and managers of subsidiary companies within the corporate hierarchy that require approval by Genii Idea’s Board of Directors, will first be proposed by this committee. Subsequently, they will be submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors after the committee's recommendations have been considered.



















Date of publication

Meeting Notice

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Handbook

Agenda Reference Materials



Duties of the Remuneration Committee

The committee must diligently perform the following duties with the care of a prudent manager and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors. However, concerning the remuneration of supervisors, recommendations are to be submitted to the Board of Directors only if the remuneration of supervisors has been stipulated in the Company's Articles of Incorporation or authorized by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting:

I. Periodically review this regulation and propose amendments as needed.

II. Establish and periodically review the performance evaluation standards for directors, supervisors, and managers of the Company, as well as the annual and long-term performance objectives, policies, systems, standards, and structures for remuneration, disclosing the content of the performance evaluation standardsin the annual report.

III. Periodically assess the achievement of performance objectives by the Company's directors, supervisors, and managers. Based on the results of the performance evaluation standards, establish the content and amount of individual remuneration for each of them. The annual reports disclose the individual performance evaluation results of directors, supervisors, and managers, as well as the content and amount of individual remuneration and their relevance and reasonableness in relation to the performance evaluation results, and report them to the shareholders' meeting.

When performing these duties, the committee must adhere to the following principles:

I. Ensure that the company's remuneration arrangements comply with relevant laws and are sufficient to attract top talents.

II. Performance assessment and remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should reference industry norms and consider individual performance evaluation results, time commitment, responsibilities, achievement of personal goals, performance in other roles, remuneration provided to individuals in equivalent positions in recent years, as well as the achievement of the Company's short-term and long-term business objectives, financial condition, and other factors related to individual performance and the Company's operational performance and future risks.

III. Directors and managers should not be incentivized to engage in behavior that exceeds the Company's risk tolerance in pursuit of remuneration.

IV. The proportion of short-term performance rewards and the timing of variable remuneration payments to directors and senior executives should be determined considering industry characteristics and the nature of the Company's business.

V. The content and amount of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should be reasonable. The determination of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should not significantly deviate from financial performance. If there is a significant decline in profit or prolonged losses, their remuneration should not exceed that of the previous year. If it still exceeds the previous year's level, a reasonable explanation should be disclosed in the annual report and reported to the shareholders’ meeting.

VI. Members of this committee cannot participate in discussions or voting regarding their personal remuneration.

The term "remuneration" referred to in the first two paragraphs includes cash compensation, stock options, bonus shares, retirement benefits or severance pay, various allowances, and other substantial incentive measures. Its scope should be consistent with the matters to be disclosed in the annual report of publicly traded companies regarding the remuneration of directors, supervisors, and managers.

Matters related to the remuneration of directors and managers of subsidiary companies within the corporate hierarchy that require approval by Genii Idea’s Board of Directors, will first be proposed by this committee. Subsequently, they will be submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors after the committee's recommendations have been considered.

Remuneration Committee Member Profiles

The committee must diligently perform the following duties with the care of a prudent manager and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors. However, concerning the remuneration of supervisors, recommendations are to be submitted to the Board of Directors only if the remuneration of supervisors has been stipulated in the Company's Articles of Incorporation or authorized by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting:

I. Periodically review this regulation and propose amendments as needed.

II. Establish and periodically review the performance evaluation standards for directors, supervisors, and managers of the Company, as well as the annual and long-term performance objectives, policies, systems, standards, and structures for remuneration, disclosing the content of the performance evaluation standardsin the annual report.

III. Periodically assess the achievement of performance objectives by the Company's directors, supervisors, and managers. Based on the results of the performance evaluation standards, establish the content and amount of individual remuneration for each of them. The annual reports disclose the individual performance evaluation results of directors, supervisors, and managers, as well as the content and amount of individual remuneration and their relevance and reasonableness in relation to the performance evaluation results, and report them to the shareholders' meeting.

When performing these duties, the committee must adhere to the following principles:

I. Ensure that the company's remuneration arrangements comply with relevant laws and are sufficient to attract top talents.

II. Performance assessment and remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should reference industry norms and consider individual performance evaluation results, time commitment, responsibilities, achievement of personal goals, performance in other roles, remuneration provided to individuals in equivalent positions in recent years, as well as the achievement of the Company's short-term and long-term business objectives, financial condition, and other factors related to individual performance and the Company's operational performance and future risks.

III. Directors and managers should not be incentivized to engage in behavior that exceeds the Company's risk tolerance in pursuit of remuneration.

IV. The proportion of short-term performance rewards and the timing of variable remuneration payments to directors and senior executives should be determined considering industry characteristics and the nature of the Company's business.

V. The content and amount of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should be reasonable. The determination of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should not significantly deviate from financial performance. If there is a significant decline in profit or prolonged losses, their remuneration should not exceed that of the previous year. If it still exceeds the previous year's level, a reasonable explanation should be disclosed in the annual report and reported to the shareholders’ meeting.

VI. Members of this committee cannot participate in discussions or voting regarding their personal remuneration.

The term "remuneration" referred to in the first two paragraphs includes cash compensation, stock options, bonus shares, retirement benefits or severance pay, various allowances, and other substantial incentive measures. Its scope should be consistent with the matters to be disclosed in the annual report of publicly traded companies regarding the remuneration of directors, supervisors, and managers.

Matters related to the remuneration of directors and managers of subsidiary companies within the corporate hierarchy that require approval by Genii Idea’s Board of Directors, will first be proposed by this committee. Subsequently, they will be submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors after the committee's recommendations have been considered.

112/9/20 選任
112/9/20 選任
112/9/20 選任
112/9/20 選任

Remuneration Committee Member Profiles


Academic Credentials

Previous Experience


Ph.D. in Economics, NCCU

Dean of Department of International Business, Tunghai University (3 years)
Dean of EMBA, College of Management, Tunghai University (6 years)


Ph.D. in Finance, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Kunyue Development Co., Ltd.  Supervisor

CPA qualifications in U.S. and Taiwan


Department of Accounting, National Chung Hsing University

Director of Audit Division at Ernst & Young (3 years)
OTC Regulatory Examiner and Supervisor (9 years)
CFO (13 years), CIO (3 years)


Ph.D. in Finance, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Kunyue Development Co., Ltd.  Supervisor

CPA qualifications in U.S. and Taiwan

Remuneration Committee Member Profiles

Remuneration Committee Member Profiles

The committee must diligently perform the following duties with the care of a prudent manager and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors. However, concerning the remuneration of supervisors, recommendations are to be submitted to the Board of Directors only if the remuneration of supervisors has been stipulated in the Company's Articles of Incorporation or authorized by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting:

I. Periodically review this regulation and propose amendments as needed.

II. Establish and periodically review the performance evaluation standards for directors, supervisors, and managers of the Company, as well as the annual and long-term performance objectives, policies, systems, standards, and structures for remuneration, disclosing the content of the performance evaluation standardsin the annual report.

III. Periodically assess the achievement of performance objectives by the Company's directors, supervisors, and managers. Based on the results of the performance evaluation standards, establish the content and amount of individual remuneration for each of them. The annual reports disclose the individual performance evaluation results of directors, supervisors, and managers, as well as the content and amount of individual remuneration and their relevance and reasonableness in relation to the performance evaluation results, and report them to the shareholders' meeting.

When performing these duties, the committee must adhere to the following principles:

I. Ensure that the company's remuneration arrangements comply with relevant laws and are sufficient to attract top talents.

II. Performance assessment and remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should reference industry norms and consider individual performance evaluation results, time commitment, responsibilities, achievement of personal goals, performance in other roles, remuneration provided to individuals in equivalent positions in recent years, as well as the achievement of the Company's short-term and long-term business objectives, financial condition, and other factors related to individual performance and the Company's operational performance and future risks.

III. Directors and managers should not be incentivized to engage in behavior that exceeds the Company's risk tolerance in pursuit of remuneration.

IV. The proportion of short-term performance rewards and the timing of variable remuneration payments to directors and senior executives should be determined considering industry characteristics and the nature of the Company's business.

V. The content and amount of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should be reasonable. The determination of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should not significantly deviate from financial performance. If there is a significant decline in profit or prolonged losses, their remuneration should not exceed that of the previous year. If it still exceeds the previous year's level, a reasonable explanation should be disclosed in the annual report and reported to the shareholders’ meeting.

VI. Members of this committee cannot participate in discussions or voting regarding their personal remuneration.

The term "remuneration" referred to in the first two paragraphs includes cash compensation, stock options, bonus shares, retirement benefits or severance pay, various allowances, and other substantial incentive measures. Its scope should be consistent with the matters to be disclosed in the annual report of publicly traded companies regarding the remuneration of directors, supervisors, and managers.

Matters related to the remuneration of directors and managers of subsidiary companies within the corporate hierarchy that require approval by Genii Idea’s Board of Directors, will first be proposed by this committee. Subsequently, they will be submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors after the committee's recommendations have been considered.

Duties of the Remuneration Committee

The committee must diligently perform the following duties with the care of a prudent manager and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors. However, concerning the remuneration of supervisors, recommendations are to be submitted to the Board of Directors only if the remuneration of supervisors has been stipulated in the Company's Articles of Incorporation or authorized by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting:

I. Periodically review this regulation and propose amendments as needed.

II. Establish and periodically review the performance evaluation standards for directors, supervisors, and managers of the Company, as well as the annual and long-term performance objectives, policies, systems, standards, and structures for remuneration, disclosing the content of the performance evaluation standardsin the annual report.

III. Periodically assess the achievement of performance objectives by the Company's directors, supervisors, and managers. Based on the results of the performance evaluation standards, establish the content and amount of individual remuneration for each of them. The annual reports disclose the individual performance evaluation results of directors, supervisors, and managers, as well as the content and amount of individual remuneration and their relevance and reasonableness in relation to the performance evaluation results, and report them to the shareholders' meeting.

When performing these duties, the committee must adhere to the following principles:

I. Ensure that the company's remuneration arrangements comply with relevant laws and are sufficient to attract top talents.

II. Performance assessment and remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should reference industry norms and consider individual performance evaluation results, time commitment, responsibilities, achievement of personal goals, performance in other roles, remuneration provided to individuals in equivalent positions in recent years, as well as the achievement of the Company's short-term and long-term business objectives, financial condition, and other factors related to individual performance and the Company's operational performance and future risks.

III. Directors and managers should not be incentivized to engage in behavior that exceeds the Company's risk tolerance in pursuit of remuneration.

IV. The proportion of short-term performance rewards and the timing of variable remuneration payments to directors and senior executives should be determined considering industry characteristics and the nature of the Company's business.

V. The content and amount of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should be reasonable. The determination of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should not significantly deviate from financial performance. If there is a significant decline in profit or prolonged losses, their remuneration should not exceed that of the previous year. If it still exceeds the previous year's level, a reasonable explanation should be disclosed in the annual report and reported to the shareholders’ meeting.

VI. Members of this committee cannot participate in discussions or voting regarding their personal remuneration.

The term "remuneration" referred to in the first two paragraphs includes cash compensation, stock options, bonus shares, retirement benefits or severance pay, various allowances, and other substantial incentive measures. Its scope should be consistent with the matters to be disclosed in the annual report of publicly traded companies regarding the remuneration of directors, supervisors, and managers.

Matters related to the remuneration of directors and managers of subsidiary companies within the corporate hierarchy that require approval by Genii Idea’s Board of Directors, will first be proposed by this committee. Subsequently, they will be submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors after the committee's recommendations have been considered.

The committee must diligently perform the following duties with the care of a prudent manager and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors. However, concerning the remuneration of supervisors, recommendations are to be submitted to the Board of Directors only if the remuneration of supervisors has been stipulated in the Company's Articles of Incorporation or authorized by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting:

I. Periodically review this regulation and propose amendments as needed.

II. Establish and periodically review the performance evaluation standards for directors, supervisors, and managers of the Company, as well as the annual and long-term performance objectives, policies, systems, standards, and structures for remuneration, disclosing the content of the performance evaluation standardsin the annual report.

III. Periodically assess the achievement of performance objectives by the Company's directors, supervisors, and managers. Based on the results of the performance evaluation standards, establish the content and amount of individual remuneration for each of them. The annual reports disclose the individual performance evaluation results of directors, supervisors, and managers, as well as the content and amount of individual remuneration and their relevance and reasonableness in relation to the performance evaluation results, and report them to the shareholders' meeting.

When performing these duties, the committee must adhere to the following principles:

I. Ensure that the company's remuneration arrangements comply with relevant laws and are sufficient to attract top talents.

II. Performance assessment and remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should reference industry norms and consider individual performance evaluation results, time commitment, responsibilities, achievement of personal goals, performance in other roles, remuneration provided to individuals in equivalent positions in recent years, as well as the achievement of the Company's short-term and long-term business objectives, financial condition, and other factors related to individual performance and the Company's operational performance and future risks.

III. Directors and managers should not be incentivized to engage in behavior that exceeds the Company's risk tolerance in pursuit of remuneration.

IV. The proportion of short-term performance rewards and the timing of variable remuneration payments to directors and senior executives should be determined considering industry characteristics and the nature of the Company's business.

V. The content and amount of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should be reasonable. The determination of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should not significantly deviate from financial performance. If there is a significant decline in profit or prolonged losses, their remuneration should not exceed that of the previous year. If it still exceeds the previous year's level, a reasonable explanation should be disclosed in the annual report and reported to the shareholders’ meeting.

VI. Members of this committee cannot participate in discussions or voting regarding their personal remuneration.

The term "remuneration" referred to in the first two paragraphs includes cash compensation, stock options, bonus shares, retirement benefits or severance pay, various allowances, and other substantial incentive measures. Its scope should be consistent with the matters to be disclosed in the annual report of publicly traded companies regarding the remuneration of directors, supervisors, and managers.

Matters related to the remuneration of directors and managers of subsidiary companies within the corporate hierarchy that require approval by Genii Idea’s Board of Directors, will first be proposed by this committee. Subsequently, they will be submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors after the committee's recommendations have been considered.

Duties of the Remuneration Committee


Remuneration Committee Member Profiles


Academic Credentials


Ph.D. in Economics, NCCU


Ph.D. in Finance, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology


Department of Accounting, National Chung Hsing University

The committee must diligently perform the following duties with the care of a prudent manager and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors. However, concerning the remuneration of supervisors, recommendations are to be submitted to the Board of Directors only if the remuneration of supervisors has been stipulated in the Company's Articles of Incorporation or authorized by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting:

I. Periodically review this regulation and propose amendments as needed.

II. Establish and periodically review the performance evaluation standards for directors, supervisors, and managers of the Company, as well as the annual and long-term performance objectives, policies, systems, standards, and structures for remuneration, disclosing the content of the performance evaluation standardsin the annual report.

III. Periodically assess the achievement of performance objectives by the Company's directors, supervisors, and managers. Based on the results of the performance evaluation standards, establish the content and amount of individual remuneration for each of them. The annual reports disclose the individual performance evaluation results of directors, supervisors, and managers, as well as the content and amount of individual remuneration and their relevance and reasonableness in relation to the performance evaluation results, and report them to the shareholders' meeting.

When performing these duties, the committee must adhere to the following principles:

I. Ensure that the company's remuneration arrangements comply with relevant laws and are sufficient to attract top talents.

II. Performance assessment and remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should reference industry norms and consider individual performance evaluation results, time commitment, responsibilities, achievement of personal goals, performance in other roles, remuneration provided to individuals in equivalent positions in recent years, as well as the achievement of the Company's short-term and long-term business objectives, financial condition, and other factors related to individual performance and the Company's operational performance and future risks.

III. Directors and managers should not be incentivized to engage in behavior that exceeds the Company's risk tolerance in pursuit of remuneration.

IV. The proportion of short-term performance rewards and the timing of variable remuneration payments to directors and senior executives should be determined considering industry characteristics and the nature of the Company's business.

V. The content and amount of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should be reasonable. The determination of remuneration for directors, supervisors, and managers should not significantly deviate from financial performance. If there is a significant decline in profit or prolonged losses, their remuneration should not exceed that of the previous year. If it still exceeds the previous year's level, a reasonable explanation should be disclosed in the annual report and reported to the shareholders’ meeting.

VI. Members of this committee cannot participate in discussions or voting regarding their personal remuneration.

The term "remuneration" referred to in the first two paragraphs includes cash compensation, stock options, bonus shares, retirement benefits or severance pay, various allowances, and other substantial incentive measures. Its scope should be consistent with the matters to be disclosed in the annual report of publicly traded companies regarding the remuneration of directors, supervisors, and managers.

Matters related to the remuneration of directors and managers of subsidiary companies within the corporate hierarchy that require approval by Genii Idea’s Board of Directors, will first be proposed by this committee. Subsequently, they will be submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors after the committee's recommendations have been considered.

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